| Cheris and Sam, our colleague Merv's girlfriend, with a very, very old woman we met at a convenience store near the campsite. |
 | The view from our room. Very nice to wake up to. |
 | The bridge over the creek. The few real hardy souls among us camped right past the far end of the bridge. |
 | A look upstream from right under that bridge... |
 | ...and a look downstream from roughly the same spot. |
 | Lire, the canine companion of Mike & Eileen. |
 | Sit! Good girl. |
 | One more of the puppy with Eileen, unfortunately partially hidden by her jacket. |
 | Esteemed Chosun colleage Kent (who invited us on the trip in the first place--thanks Kent!) with his Tico, the Rolls Royce of Korean automobiles. |
 | Chillin' on the bridge with CJB. |
 | Eileen (right) and her visiting cousin, whose name now escapes us. |
 | Hye-jung and Rob were kind enough to drive us back to Kwangju with them (thanks again!), as we had to get back a little early to prepare classes for the coming week. |