Wa-ryong Recreational Forest, April 2001

     One fine spring weekend, our friends Mike, Harry, Craig, and Cheryl invited us for a weekend in the mountains to hang out and play with their canine buddies, Aki (Mike & Harry) and Joey (Craig & Cheryl). We loaded our cars from floor to ceiling with food, booze, and furry squirming 4-legged creatures, then zipped on off to Wa-ryong Recreational Forest, where we rented rooms in an overgrown log cabin and proceeded to enjoy the weekend. Here are the pics...

Cheris and Mike on our adjoining rooms' balconies.

Joey, drying off and hoping for a little belly scratch after a swim in the creek.
Yes, driveway gravel makes an excellent pillow.
Aki gives Rob the why-do-you-keep-following-me-around look...
High five, Joey, high five! Good boy.
Cheris pausing to pose at the start of a little hike up into the hills.
Cheris and Cheryl watch Joey and feel glad that this is not the usual Korean idea of a dog on the dinner table.
Just chillin' after a little picnic lunch.
Harry and Aki waiting patiently for dinner to be ready.
They're just playing. Really.
Seriously. Of course it looks like they'll both be torn to shreds, but they're having a great time.
Bored of fighting, Joey and Aki begin practicing for a swing-dance competition. This is the weirdest picture Rob has ever taken.
Mike and Cheris downing smoothies before evening comes and the wine begins to flow.
A last dip in the creek before driving home...
...for all of us.
Pssst... hey Joey... how can we get them to take us back here soon?

the Kwangju Chronicles