Cloissone is a beautiful, intricate craft. We're not sure if it's distinctly Chinese, especially since the name sounds French, but we're very sure that the Chinese are expert practicioners of this decorative art form. We watched some of these experts close up at a cloisonne factory as part of our tour.

To make cloisonne, a craftsperson first covers an item (often a vase or box, but there are endless possibilities) with gold-colored (perhaps real gold?) strips of metal, set on their edges. The strips are arranged into complex designs and pictures. Next, thick paint is applied between these strips and layered until the paint thickness equals the height of the metal strips. The end result is a brilliantly colored and designed piece, with gold outlines surrounding the images and framing the patterns. Below, photos are arranged from left to right to show the various stages of cloisonne production, from untouched vase to finished product.

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